Call for Presentation released

The Call for Presenation has been released and can be found at or below:


Call for Presentations – RecSysChallenge 2012
Workshop of the Recommender Systems Challenge

in conjunction with ACM Recommender Systems 2012

Dublin, Ireland, 13 September 2012


*** Extended abstract (2-4 pages) submission deadline: 20 August 2012 ***
*** Accepted presentations to be invited to post-proceedings volume on data-oriented RecSys Challenges ***
The Recommender Systems Challenge of ACM RecSys 2012 (RecSysChallenge 2012) will take place as a full-day workshop on Thursday September 13th and will run as an interactive event during which participants will be guided through the whole process of participating in such a data-oriented contest.

Taking as examples the datasets that drove the contest of this year’s challenge (with data from the Moviepilot and Mendeley platforms), we want to present, discuss and reflect on all the important steps of developing, testing and deploying recommendation algorithms over a real-life dataset. It will start from the way a dataset may be acquired and processed, explore how an evaluation that will produce results comparable and reproducable by others may be performed, and close with a discussion on how novel recommendation approaches can reach final deployment in commercial applications.

Confirmed speakers include contributors to recommender systems’ frameworks such as Lenskit, Mahout and MyMediaLite; recommender system technology companies such as Gravity R&D; as well as chief technology officers from real-life platforms like the Moviepilot and Mendeley ones.

We invite interested researchers and developers to share their experience of working with a dataset in the context of the RecSysChallenge and report on their succesful or unsuccesful efforts. Contributions can be related to any stage of the participation to the challenge. We are particularly interested to hearing from groups that have gained access to this year’s datasets from Moviepilots and Mendeley but have faced difficulties in developing a complete and competitive contribution to the RecSysChallenge.
Important dates

Extended abstract (2-4 pages) submission deadline: 20 August 2012
Presenter notification: 30 August 2012
RecSysChallenge 2012: 13 September 2012
Full paper submission for post-proceedings: 1 November 2012
Author notification for post-proceedings: 1 December 2012
Camera ready submission for post-proceedings: 20 December 2012
Publication of post-proceedings volume: ~spring 2013
Submissions of extended abstracts of proposed presentations that will report on the experience of working with a dataset are welcome.
One submission type is accepted: short manuscripts of 2 to 4 pages.

Proposed presentations will be evaluated by the Programme Committee for originality, contribution significance, and overall quality.

Submissions should be sent as a PDF file through the EasyChair online submission system at
Accepted speakers will be invited to submit a short paper describing their experience and results that
is planned to be published online as part of the CEUR Workshop proceedings series. is a recognised ISSN publication series, with ISSN 1613-0073.

In addition, presenters will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to be considered
for a post-proceedings volume that will be published after the Workshop.

Context-Aware Movie Recommendation (CAMRa’12) Chairs:
- Domonkos Tikk, Gravity R&D (Hungary)
- Jannis Hermanns, moviepilot (Germany)
- Benjamin Kille, Technische Universität Berlin (Germany)

Scientific Paper Recommendation (ScienceRec’12) Chairs:
- Katrien Verbert, KU Leuven (Belgium)
- Hendrik Drachsler, Open University of the Netherlands (The Netherlands)
- Kris Jack, Mendeley (UK)

RecSysChallenge 2012 Chairs:
- Nikos Manouselis, Agro-Know Technologies & ARIADNE Foundation (Greece)
- Alan Said, Technische Universität Berlin (Germany)
More info

Changes in the workshop format

Please note that the format of the workshop has changed!


The workshop will take place as a full-day workshop on Thursday September 13th and will run as an interactive and hands-on workshop during which participants will be guided through the whole process of participating in such a challenge. Taking as examples the datasets that drove the contest of this year’s challenge (with data from the Moviepilot and Mendeley platforms), we want to present, discuss and reflect on all the important steps of developing, testing and deploying recommendation algorithms over a real-life dataset – starting from acquiring and processing the dataset, and ending to performing an evaluation that will produce results comparable and reproducable by others.

Final CFP

Final Call for Papers – RecSysChallenge 2012
The Recommender Systems Challenge

in conjunction with ACM Recommender Systems 2012

Dublin, Ireland, 13 September 2012


*** Submission deadline: 22 June 2012 ***

As in other research areas, the availability of data sets in recommender systems can be considered as key for research and application purposes.
These data sets serve as benchmarks to develop new algorithms and to compare them to other algorithms in given settings.
Furthermore, they can be used for experimenting with new recommendation methods, services, as well as added-value services related to recommendation (such as supporting visualisation and argumentation).

The Recommender System Challenge, in conjunction with ACM RecSys 2012, invites participants to work on two tracks with real-world datasets.

Benchmarking Track: Context-Aware Movie Recommendation (CAMRa’12)
The track addresses context-aware recommendation and context-aware evaluation and live evaluation of recommendations.
For this, a dataset from moviepilot is made available, this dataset contains information related to concepts from the world of cinema,
e.g. single movies, movie universes (such as the world of Harry Potter movies), upcoming details (trailers, teasers, news, etc).
At the end of the challenge, a live evaluation session will take place where algorithms trained on offline data will be evaluated online, on real users.
The aim is to find the right audience for a given movie. This movie does not necessarily exist already (as it might be in production),
the goal is to generate a large impact on the recommended item in terms of interaction in the social networks of those users to whom the movies are recommended.
To access the data, send an email with your name and affiliation to
The track is following the previous Challenges on Context-Aware Movie Recommendation that took place in 2010 and 2011.

- Domonkos Tikk, Gravity R&D (Hungary)
- Jannis Hermanns, moviepilot (Germany)
- Benjamin Kille, Technische Univeristat Berlin (Germany)

Program Committee:
- Hideki Asoh, AIST (Japan)
- Robin Burke, DePaul University (USA)
- Li Chen, Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong)
- Ernesto W. De Luca, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (Germany)
- Zeno Gantner, Nokia (Germany)
- Tim Hussein, University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
- Brijnesh J. Jain, TU Berlin (Germany)
- Anthony Jameson, DFKI (Germany)
- Dietmar Jannach, TU Dortmund (Germany)
- Alexandros Karatzoglou, Telefonica Research (Spain)
- Neal Lathia, University of Cambridge (UK)
- Bamshad Mobasher, DePaul University (USA)
- Till Plumbaum, TU Berlin (Germany)
- Rachael Rafter, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)
- Qiang Yang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong)


Exploratory Track: Scientific Paper Recommendation (ScienceRec’12)
This track focuses on recommendations to users about scientific papers that they might be interested in, using a data set that comes from the Mendeley system (
The aim is to share recommendation approaches and discuss issues like the types of scientific recommendation services that social research platforms like Mendeley could implement
or the types of data sets that could help advance research around scientific paper recommendation.
Submissions are expected to use the already published Mendeley dataset which came out after the 1st DataTEL Challenge of RecSysTEL 2010:
The ScienceRec Track asks participants to use and evaluate their approaches in an off-line manner, but is also interested in proposals for relevant services,
navigational interfaces, visualisations of recommendations etc. Thus it welcomes submissions that will combine the data set with the Mendeley API:
It has to be noted that in the Mendeley dataset, the document IDs do not match up to the document IDs in the API.
For privacy reasons, Mendeley cannot currently reveal the document IDs in the dataset, as this will make quite obvious who’s libraries it is making public (creating privacy and data protection issues).
Submissions will need to take into consideration this limitation, exploring (and showcasing) possible combinations of the data sources,
demonstrating them using example, sample or simulated data, as well as outlining such kind of limitations and possible solutions  such as dataset licensing from the users themselves.

- Katrien Verbert, KU Leuven (Belgium)
- Hendrik Drachsler, Open University of the Netherlands (The Netherlands)
- Kris Jack, Mendeley (UK)

Program Committee:
- Joeran Beel, (Germany/USA)
- Toine Bogers, Royal School of Library and Information Science (Denmark)
- Antonina Dattolo, University of Udine (Italy)
- Erik Duval, KU Leuven (Belgium)
- Mark Hahnel, (UK)
- Enrique Herrera Viedma, DECSAI University of Granada (Spain)
- Wataru Iwasaki, University of Tokyo (Japan)
- Daniel Lemire, Universite du Quebec a Montreal (Canada)
- Sean M. McNee, FTI Consulting (USA)
- Steve Pettifer, University of Manchester (UK)
- Tiffany Y. Tang, Konkuk University (South Korea)
- Andre Vellino, University of Ottawa (Canada)
- Yasunori Yamamoto, Research Organization of Information and Systems (Japan)


Two submission types are accepted: full papers of up to 8 pages, and short papers up to 4 pages.
Each paper will be directed to the relevant track and will be evaluated by at least three reviewers from the track’s Programme Committee.
The papers will be evaluated for their originality, contribution significance, soundness, clarity, and overall quality.

Submissions should be sent as a PDF file through the EasyChair online submission system at
All submissions shall adhere to the standard ACM SIG proceedings format:

Papers accepted in previous challenges have been published through the ACM Digital Library.

Important dates

Paper submission deadline: 22 June 2012
Author notification: 6 July 2012
Camera ready version due: 20 July 2012
RecSysChallenge 2012: 13 September 2012

RecSysChallenge 2012 Chairs
Nikos Manouselis, Agro-Know Technologies & ARIADNE Foundation (Greece)
Alan Said, Technische Univeristat Berlin (Germany)

More info

First CFP

1st Call for Papers – RecSysChallenge 2012
The Recommender Systems Challenge

in conjunction with ACM Recommender Systems 2012

               Dublin, Ireland, 13 September 2012


*** Submission deadline: 22 June 2012 ***

As in other research areas, the availability of data sets in recommender systems can be considered as key for research and application purposes.
These data sets serve as benchmarks to develop new algorithms and to compare them to other algorithms in given settings.
Furthermore, they can be used for experimenting with new recommendation methods, services, as well as added-value services related to recommendation (such as supporting visualisation and argumentation).

The Recommender System Challenge, in conjunction with ACM RecSys 2012, invites participants to work on two tracks with real-world datasets.

Benchmarking Track: Context-Aware Movie Recommendation (CAMRa’12)
This track focuses on contextual recommendation of movie-related news and uses a data set from
The aim is to measure classification accuracy metrics when trying to find the right users to recommend certain items in order to gain a large impact in social networks.
It asks participants to use and evaluate their approaches in an off-line manner, but in addition an on-line evaluation will be performed in the final stages of the challenge.
The track is following the previous Challenges on Context-Aware Movie Recommendation that took place in 2010 and 2011.


Exploratory Track: Scientific Paper Recommendation (ScienceRec’12)
This track focuses on recommendations to users about scientific papers that they might be interested in, using a data set that comes from the Mendeley system (
The aim is to share recommendation approaches and discuss issues like the types of scientific recommendation services that social research platforms like Mendeley could implement or the types of data sets that could help advance research around scientific paper recommendation.
It asks participants to use and evaluate their approaches in an off-line manner, but is also interested in proposals for relevant services, navigational interfaces, visualisations of recommendations etc. Thus it welcomes submissions that will combine the data set with the Mendeley API (
The track is following the publication of the Mendeley data set ( after the 1st DataTEL challenge that took place within the 2010 Recommender Systems in Technology Enhanced Learning Workshop (RecSysTEL).


Two submission types are accepted: full papers of up to 8 pages, and short papers up to 4 pages.
Each paper will be directed to the relevant track and will be evaluated by at least three reviewers from the track’s Programme Committee.
The papers will be evaluated for their originality, contribution significance, soundness, clarity, and overall quality.

Submissions should be sent as a PDF file through the EasyChair online submission system at
All submissions shall adhere to the standard ACM SIG proceedings format:

Papers accepted in previous challenges have been published through the ACM Digital Library.

Important dates

Paper submission deadline: 22 June 2012
Author notification:       6 July 2012
Camera ready version due:  20 July 2012
RecSysChallenge 2012:      13 September 2012

RecSysChallenge 2012 Chairs
Nikos Manouselis, Agro-Know Technologies & ARIADNE Foundation
Alan Said, Technische Universität Berlin

CAMRa 2012 Chairs
Domonkos Tikk, Gravity R&D
Jannis Hermanns, moviepilot
Benjamin Kille, TU Berlin

ScienceRec 2012 Chairs
Katrien Verbert, KU Leuven, Belgium
Hendrik Drachsler, Open University of the Netherlands
Kris Jack, Mendeley

More info

ACM Recommender Systems Challenge 2012

The ACM Recommender Systems Challenge 2012 has been officially accepted to the ACM Recommender Systems 2012 Conference!